Real Stories

Real Stories
More content is coming soon! If there’s a question we haven’t addressed, please send it via our Contact Us page so that embryo donation experts can respond, and we can add the answer to our educational library.
Intended Parents: Selection Criteria

For Intended Parents

ntended parents discuss what criteria was important to them in matching with a donor.
Embryo Donation Journey

For Donors and Intended Parents

Let embryo donation experts, donors and donor recipients inspire you to consider the options!
Guidance & Support

For Donors & Intended Parents

Dr. Martine Jones discusses many considerations she’s explored with both donors and intended parent of embryo donated children.
The Big Why

For Donors

Donors discuss how they chose their intended recipient.

For Intended Parents

Intended parents discuss choosing their preferred level of interaction with the donor.
Open Interaction Relationships

For Intended Parents

Donors and intended parents discuss the interactive experience after a child is born.
Legal Considerations

For Donors & Intended Parents

Ellen Trachman, Managing Attorney at Trachman Law Office, shares her years of experience in this specialized area of law.
The Big Why

For Intended Parents

Intended parents and experts in the field discuss choosing to pursue embryo donation.
Concerns & Reservations

For Intended Parents

Intended Parents discuss their reservations related to embryo donation.
Selection Criteria

For Donors

Donors discuss important criteria in matching with a daily or intended parent.

For Donors

Donors discuss choosing their particular level of desired interaction with their intended parent/family.